Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hoop Dreams

Well the connections between my book "Hoop Dreams" and my life is that my book is about a kid named authur that loves and plays basketball like me. He is skinny,tall,a point guard, and a awesome basketball player that relates too me. One of his idols is one of mine aswell "Isiah Thomas" which is a great basketball player. The book relates to my life alot like how his brother plays basketball aswell and is older than him.Well thats how the book relates to my life .

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Money doesnt make the world go round for Alex!

"He accepted Burres offer to drive him there,but when she tried to give him a little money for helping out at the swap meet, she recalls, "he acted real offended. I told him, "Man, you gotta have,money to get along in this world,but he wouldnt take it."This post was from page 46 in the second paragraph where how Alex was working for Burres at the swap meet and he wanted to pay Alex but he wouldnt accept it.I chose this because for Alex money isnt everything, its just about being happy in life.Which I think is important in life instead of having money and not being happy so thats why i chose this post

Monday, October 3, 2011

Starting New

"I dont want to know what  day it is or where i am. None of that matters." I found this on page 7. I like this quote because i could tell that he wants to start a new life for himself and start over by creating new days starting on year zero and just starting with a fresh beginning by going in the wild and doing things his way. I found this quote when the man that picked him up asked him if he wanted a watch to know what day it is and Alex (Chris) said no.


"Hell no, Alex scotted."How I feed myself is none of the government's business fuck their stupid rules!"I found this quote on page 6.In this scene Alex is in a car with a man that picked him up from hitchhiking and the man that asks him if he had a hunting license and Alex responded what he said on the quote. I think the quote is interesting because he is a independent person and doesn’t need to depend on someone to live which i think is a pretty cool thing.After that Alex gets dropped of at Lake Med to start hitchhiking.